Telangana Finance Minister and TRS senior leader Etela Rajender met with a road accident on Saturday evening. His vehicle turned turtile hitting a divider at Edula Gattepalli village in Karimnagar.
The road mishap took place when the Minister was returning to Karimnagar from Huzurabad. According to reports, the incident happened in Manakondur police limits when Etela’s car driver tried to overtake the lorry in the front.
Etela has been admitted to a top private hospital in Karimnagar. There are no major injuries. However, doctors suspecting that Etela’s leg was fractured. Along with the minister, his PA Mukundar Reddy, gunman and driver were injured.
All are being treated in the same hospital. Since it’s a bullet-proof vehicle, minister managed to survive despite the car overturned for five times.
CM KCR has spoken to Etela on the mishap and asked him to take enough rest.