Few days ago, national and regional media was abuzz with news of Rowdy Fellow actress Vishakha Singh teaching a fitting lesson to her cyber bully, who made indecent comments on her Facebook page. All the articles praised Vishakha’s composure with which she showed her abuser how to respect women. But here’s a stunning twist. Apparently, for Vishakha, real harassment began after the wide media coverage.
Soon after the news was blown out of proportion, a few shady websites carried out posts showing Vishakha liking a similar Facebook comment in May, which also reads ‘good b***s’. Perturbed by this, Vishakha filed legal complaints on a few websites and even wrote emails to other sites, asking them to take down the post. Even several online trolls started calling her names and made lewd, sexist remarks.
The actress, in her blog, stated that she just reacted to the sexist comment but what followed in the media was the real torture. In Vishakha’s words, ‘A man had harassed me. I replied to him. It was as simple as that. There was no bravado. A NORMAL act was turned into a heroic tale. That is when the real harassment began.’ If only people and the media agencies left the celebrities in peace.