Bollywood superstar Salman Khan’s softer side towards humanitarian causes and charity work is nothing new. Now, the actor has once again showed his kind side which is an unprecedented action by a Bollywood star. Apparently, Salman Khan provided the people of the Kashmiri village Pahalgam with TV sets.
Couple of months ago, Salman was in several scenic villages of Kashmir, where he shot for his upcoming film Bajrangi Bhaijaan. During the shoot, Salman mingled with the locals quite enthusiastically and melted down when he came to know that several of the poor villagers didn’t even have a TV set at home.
Moved by this, the Being Human star immediately ordered his team to purchase and install new TV sets in the homes of all villagers those without a TV at home. Salman’s staff is currently busy providing the villagers with TVs and they have already equipped majority of the villagers’ homes with brand new TV sets. Apart from this gesture, Salman was also in deep praises for the exotic scenic beauty of the Kashmir valley.