In a shameful revelation, the Telugu Desam Party MP from Amalapuram constituency, Ravindra Babu Pandula, made several controversial statements against the Indian Army on a popular national news channel. The MP said that people who join the Indian Army willingly enter the services to toil themselves but enjoy free perks like liquor, food, holidays etc.
The MP, even after making these ridiculous comments, did not budge and refused to apologize to the Indian Army for his shocking comments. What’s more shocking is that the MP made these comments in a reply to the retired Indian Army Major Vijay. Even though Ravindra Babu made these comments during the Ashok Gajapathi Raju’s ‘matchbox fiasco’ in April, the talk show video started to go viral only recently.
Even while the people were finding it too audacious of the Union Minister of Aviation Ashok Gajapathi Raju’s statement in which he said that he carries matchboxes on flights but he was never frisked, these comments again by a TDP MP have only ruined the reputation of the party and raised serious questions over the credibility of these law makers elected by their people.