Superstar Mahesh Babu is always known for his excellent planning. The actor had just completed the shooting of his Srimanthudu and he is gearing up to begin the shooting of his next, Brahmotsavam. The regular shooting of the film will begin from July 10th and will go non stop till completion.
The makers have already set dates for their audio and movie release dates as well. The audio release event of the movie will take place on December 18th and the movie will hit the marquee on January 8th, 2016 as Sankranthi Special. The movie’s story is based on Vijayawada backdrop.
Srikanth Addala earlier directed Mahesh Babu’s super hit film, Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu and so expectations are riding him on this project. Potluri Vara Prasad will be producing the film. Three beauties will be romancing the actor in the film. Mickey J.Meyer is the music composer. The film has big names like Thota Tharani, Rathnavelu and Sreekar Prasad.