Telangana Chief Minister KCR took serious on release of TDP MLA Revanth Reddy on bail. KCR and TRS leaders got irritated on the way of speech that Revanth did after release from the prison.
Revanth lashed out KCR and TDP leaders who joined in TRS in his speech. TDP cadre attended in huge in the rally without any invitation from the party. TG lawyers were decided to go to Supreme Court on cancellation of Revanth’s bail.
KCR called TG ACB Chief AK Khan yesterday in the morning and discussed on moving the issue to Supreme Court. This will come to hearing in Apex Court today. All these developments are happened quickly within few hours. Telangana Police filed three more cases against Revanth after taking his speech as evidence.
TG lawyers did their arguments that Revanth threatened Chief Minister in his speech as evidence. It’s not difficult to destroy the evidences during the bail period.
TRS has field very senior advocates in Supreme Court to nullify Revanth’s bail. Telangana Government selected Kapil Sibal, Dushyant Dawe and Haren Ravel from its end. As per the sources, Kapil Sibal took minimum 50 lacs per day to take any case.
Is it necessary for Telangana Chief Minister to spent huge public money to take revenge on his political enemies? Of Course! Telangana is rich state. What happened if SC really cancels Revanth’s bail? It is nothing but helps to increase Revanth’s image in the state.