Telangana CM KCR is renowned not only for his fiery speeches rattling his opponents, but also for his interesting stories in between. During the launch of prestigious Haritha Haaram at Chilukuru, Rangareddy district, KCR came with an interesting story about Doma and its relation with CM.
Speaking to people and educating them on cleanliness and greenery he said Doma (mosquitoes) will thrive in uncleanly and unhygienic places and at then bite anyone irrespective of the stature of the person.
He said doma will bite MLA, Minister and Chief Minister and it is a socialist by nature. He said it will not discriminate against any person.
He went on to explain further how dangerous bite of a mosquito could be. He said it will result in either Malaria or viral fever. He said this lands even a healthy person in government hospital. People can guess about which mosquito bite CM KCR is talking about.