Tamil Actor Suriya was used extensively for the promotion of Baahubali in Tamil Nadu. In one of the occasions, Suriya requested Rajamouli to at least give him a little cameo in Baahubali-2 if possible. That encouraged our rumours mills to churn out stories.
They said the actor is going to play a little but important character in Baahubali-2. In one of his recent media interactions, Rajamouli said all these rumours are false and there is Suriya in Baahubali. He also clarified that the characters in Baahubali-1 will continue in Baahubali-2 as well.
A humongous 4000+ screens release is planned for the movie across the globe. Like never before for a Telugu film, Baahubali is simultaneously releasing in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi and Malayalam languages on July 10th. This is the first time a Telugu movie is getting a huge release in all the four languages simultaneously.