SS Rajamouli’s magnum opus film, Baahubali is all set for a grand release on July 10th in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi and Malayalam languages. The makers have made sure that the movie is in safe hands in all the languages and are gearing for a sensational release in Kerala too.
The theater owners in Kerala are going for a shut down of all the theaters in the state on July 9th against the piracy demon affecting the industry. They are even planning an indefinite shutdown of theaters from July 10th if the state government do not take stern action on piracy killing the film industry.
Baahubali is the costliest film ever made on Telugu Screen. Three years of hard work had gone in to the project and the movie is already creating never before seen records in Telugu film trade. Huge money is at stake on Malayalam release of the movie if it all this shut down materializes, it will be a huge problem.