Director Krish who is known for churning out several meaningful film is currently directing Varun Tej in Kanche. The movie shooting was completely wrapped up today. The movie is said to be set in the backdrop of World War-2 and Krish claims that ‘Kanche’ is a film that has never been made in Telugu Cinema and quite possibly Indian cinema before.
He further keeps audience interested by saying that the first theatrical trailer will reveal the scale and magnitude of this project. The movie will now enter in to post production phase and the makers will very soon decide on the official release date. Bollywood model Pragya Jaiswal is romancing Varun in this film.
Varun Tej’s debut film, Mukunda ended up as a dreadful experience and Varun wants to make amends with this film. On the other side, Krish recently tasted blockbuster success in Bollywood with Akshay Kumar’s ‘Gabbar is Back’.