Bollywood dream-girl Hema Malini had the worst nightmare of her life on July 2nd, that’s on the day when her Mercedes rammed into an Alto Car. While Hema suffered a nasal fracture, A Girl Child breathed her last and three of the other family members got injured.
Hema Malini came under criticism for over-speeding and not bothering to help the victims to reach the hospital at the earliest soon after the accident. The Infant’s Father alleged his daughter could have survived if she was allowed to be in the car in which Hema was taken to the Hospital.
The 66-Year-Old Actress seems to have decided to counter attack and her recent remarks have stirred a controversy. She opined the accident could have been averted had if the 4-Year-Old Child’s Father followed the Traffic Rules.
Hema Malini expressed her anguish on sensation-hungry media which tried to malign her image at the time when she was in deep trauma and helpless state. Upon witnessing such lowest levels of human decency, All that she can say is ‘Shame on u’ & ‘God Bless’.
At the same time, Hemaji was amazed by the kind of love showered on her and came to know how much people care for her post the fatal accident. She claimed the genuine concern of fans & well wishers really helped her recover from the trauma and thanked everyone who have been supportive of her in tough times.