SS Rajamouli’s Baahubali had taken a sensational opening on its release day. The movie had amassed 22.27 Crore share on its first day which is twice better than previous highest, Attarintiki Daredhi which collected 10.75 Crore share back then.
Baahubali is also second biggest grosser in India after Shah Rukh Khan’s Happy New Year. The movie is the biggest opener in the country if we consider share.
Here is the breakup of Baahubali First day collections:
Nizam: 6.3 Crore*
Ceeded: 4.7 Crore*
Uttarandhra: 1.75 Crore*
East: 1.97 Crore*
West: 2.83 Crore*
Krishna: 1.25 Crore*
Guntur: 2.54 Crore*
Nellore: 93 Lakhs*
AP+Nizam: 22.27 Crore* *— All Time Record