Mahesh Babu’s Brahmotsavam’s shooting has been postponed to July 20th. The actual shooting was to start from the 10th of July but Mahesh Babu was still stuck with the work of ‘Srimanthudu’. So the regular shoot has been postponed.
Mahesh Babu is undergoing for makeover for Srikanth Addala’s film. He will use this gap for the makeover. Mahesh Babu will appear as suave urban youth in the film who romances three girls.
Srikanth Addala earlier presented Mahesh Babu as simple guy from rural background in ‘Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu. The film is said to be a clean family entertainer.
Produced by PVP cinema, this film has Samantha, Kajal Agarwal and Praneetha Subhash as its leading ladies.