Caught in a web of controversies, Bengali girl Swetha Basu Prasad who made it big with Kotha Bangaru Lokam has become a front page news recently. While courts acquitted this talented actress from all the charges, somehow the whole incident has resulted in a blame game where she has to face few brickbats.
Rather running after movie assignments post her release from detention centre, Swetha Basu Prasad has decided to continue as script consultant at director Anurag Kashyap’s office Phantom Films in Mumbai.
Generally it is said that people who face arch lights and taste that celebrity status can’t retire to some office side jobs as their heart always craves to comeback to screen again and again. For that reason, many heroines end up doing haphazard and lifeless roles during the fag end of their career.
“No offers that are coming my way are exciting me. That’s why I’m not in a hurry to take up such roles”, says Swetha, confirming that she is having no greed to don makeup again and again. Anyway many filmmakers are exploring only her juicy skin show side but not giving any scope for serious performance.