Actor Suriya is set to team up with Telugu filmmaker Trivikram Srinivas for a yet-untitled Telugu-Tamil bilingual, which is most likely to go on the floor next year. “Trivikram has already been given the advance for the project.
It will go on the floor after Suriya completes shooting for his upcoming films ’24’, ‘Singam 3’ and a yet-untitled film with the ‘Sathuranga Vettai’ director,” a source close to the development told IANS. Suriya is currently shooting for Tamil thriller “24” with “Manam” director Vikram Kumar.
He is expected to start shooting for the third part in the “Singam” franchise from September. “His project with Trivikram will most likely go on floors mid next year. By then, he should be relieved off all his existing projects,” the source said.