SS Rajamouli’s magnum opus film, Baahubali is shattering all the records that come its way at the box office. The movie had amassed about 52 Crore only in the Telugu states in the five days of its release and the Worldwide share is already nearing 100 Crore. The movie is improving in all the languages as days pass by.
For an instance the collections of the Hindi version are better on Tuesday than Hindi. It is the case also with Tamil and Malayalam too. However Ramzan this Friday will get the movie multiple results. For the Telugu version, it will be a huge advantage as there is a long holiday weekend and there are no other new releases in Telugu this Friday.
However the movie will lose most of its theaters to the new releases in Hindi and Tamil this Friday. Salman Khan’s Bajrangi Bhaijaan is releasing in Bollywood this Friday while Dhanush’s Maari is releasing in Tamil. Both these films are big ticket films and will be releasing in good number of theaters. Baahubali is likely to get affected as a result. We will have to see what will be the extent of the damage.