Boyapati Srinu, the director of blockbuster hits like Simha and Legend, has been honoured by the AP Government as he has now been entrusted with the job of overseeing the Godavari Nitya Harathi at the ongoing Godavari Maha Pushkaralu. The Godavari Nitya Harathi is a daily ritual at the Godavari Maha Pushkaralu.
Already, Boyapati has immersed himself into his job and he has made special and hassle-free arrangements for the devotees to catch the glimpses and even take blessings of the giant Harathi. Boyapati even got the stage modified a bit, which was specially erected for the Harathi. With his involvement, the ritual is now being highlighted at the Pushkaralu.
The Godavari Nitya Harathi is similar to that of the Ganga Harathi performed at Kasi. The Nitya Harathi was inaugurated by the AP CM Nara Chandrababu Naidu on the 1st of July. Naidu stated that the Godavari Harathi will be a daily event from now and that the government will take all it needs to bring it worldwide recognition.