Controversies favourite child Ram Gopal Varma is at again. Keeping aside Baahubali, RGV this time picked up the most hot political topic – Pushkaram stampede in Rajahmundry. While the 29 deaths occurred due to tragic stampede that took place on the first day of Maha Pushkarams in Rajahmundry continue to stir controversies and political rivals are taking on AP CM Chandrababu Naidu, RGV comes to the rescue of Chandrababu.
RGV raised that how God failed in stopping the tragic incident that led to the deaths of his devotees. “Why din’t God stop those poor devotees from being killed in it becos they prayed lesser than other devotees who stayed alive? For the pushkara deaths How come everybody blames only Poor C B Naidu and nobody blames God? If God himself couldn’t save his own devotees what can poor C B Naidu do? ”
This is not first-time that Varma made such critical remarks against God. In the past he made several such remarks and invited the wrath of many. He made such comments on Lord Ganesha during Ganesh Chaturdhi and later apologized after several cases had been logded against him. Looks like, Varma hasn’t learn any lessons. Else how can he make God responsible for a human tragedy?