Actor Sudheer Babu is all praise of superstar Mahesh Babu. Going all out in praising Mahesh, Sudheer shared that the first look of Mahesh’s Srimanthudu grabbed many eye balls in the Bollywood. “The first look of Mahesh’s Srimanthudu was released when I was shooting for my Hindi (debut) film. I noticed that several people on the sets were in awe of Mahesh’s first look in the film and talking about the film,” corroborated Sudheer Babu while speaking at the audio launch of Srimanthudu.
Sudheer further added, “When I first heard of the title, I thought Mahesh would arrive in a BMW car or an Audi car. But surpassing the expectations, he simply came on a cycle ( in first look). If we come in a luxury car or wore ornaments, we think that car or ornaments add style, status to us. But it’s not for Mahesh. For him, if he comes in cycle, he brings style and status to the cycle.” Thanking Mahesh and fans for making Krishnamma Kalipindi hit, Sudheer said that Mahesh is class apart from others.
On concluding note, Sudheer said, “Mahesh Babu is Srimanthudu (rich man) in good looks. He is Srimanthudu (rich man) in character. He is Srimanthudu (rich man) in having large fan base. He is Srimanthudu in entertaining all of us, fans. He is going to be Srimanthudu by wiping out all the old collections’ records and will be setting new records. With the kind of collections Srimanthudu going to garner, he will adopt all the records.”