Payakaraopeta MLA Anitha has lodged complaint with police against her husband Sivayya. Representing TDP in the constituency, Anitha approached three-town police and complained that her husband Sivayya has been torturing her, her children. Alleging that he has been doing this for the past 14 years, she said she can’t bear this any longer and approached police to get rid of the trauma.
Anitha alleged that her husband Sivayya entered her house when she was not there and shown his force on their children. She also alleged that he threatened her PA, gunman. Anitha and her husband Sivayya had love marriage 14 years ago in the same police station.
Due to differences, the duo has been living separately for a while. As per the reports, Anitha served divorce notices to husband Sivayya. Seeing upon the notices, Sivayya reportedly lost his cool and came to Anitha’s house.
According to Anitha, Sivayya tried to forcefully take away children and documents of assets. When her PA, gunman objected him, he apparently threatened them. With the situation out of her control, Anitha sought the help of police. She said that she can’t bear him any more.