As the trailer of Superstar Mahesh Babu hit the screens, everybody concluded it to be a social message oriented movie. While on the other side, the online media reveals the so called “actual story” behind Srimanthudu. It seems it is a youthful love story with a social message imbibed in it.
Revealing a speculated story, a source said “Srimanthudu is out-and-out commercial film which is tailor made for Superstar’s fans. It has all elements in right proportions. Romance between Mahesh Babu and Shruti Haasan tops the list. It’s beyond to put in the words as Mahesh (Harsha) and Shruti (Charuseela) steal the show as college goers. The chemistry between the duo who is teaming up for the first-time is the USP (Unique Selling Point) of the film.”
It seems the highlights of the movie are going to be scenes that star Jagapathi Babu and Shruti Hassan. The movie is scheduled to release on Aug 7th and let’s wait to watch the real story!