Ever since the news of Megastar Chiranjeevi’s special cameo in Ram Charan’s film with Sreenu Vaitla broke out, some Mega fans are excited to see Chiru on the silver screen after the 2009 blockbuster, Magadheera. However, there are numerous Mega fans are who highly upset with Chiru’s comeback to silver screen with a special appearance.
Most of these Mega fans are unhappy with Megastar making his comeback with a guest role are desiring to see Chiru burning the screens down with the best of his form in a fullfledged role and not in just a 5 minute cameo. These fans are even requesting the Mega family members like Allu Arjun and Varun Tej on social media, desperately requesting them to suggest Chiru against the special role. “We want full meals, not some snacks”, said a dejected Mega fan.
Mega fans have been excitedly waiting for Chiru’s prestigious comeback work the 150th film for the last couple of years. They pinned high hopes on seeing Chiru showcasing why he is still the most admired hero in Tollywood. Meanwhile, all these worried fans must realize one thing that Chiru’s special cameo in Ram Charan’s film is still a rumor and that the unit members have not confirmed the news officially.