Telangana Deputy CM Mahmood Ali landed himself in a major controversy. While defending Telangana government and CM KCR’s decision to demolish 150-year-old Osmania General Hospital (OGH), Mohammad Ali stated that “if Charminar becomes old and weak, even it has to be demolished” These comments have stirred up a row in the areas of Old city in Hyderabad as they haven’t gone down well with several residents of the area who have been identified with historic monument Charminar for ages.
“It’s not fair to spend Rs 100 Crore of public exchequer on ancient structures to make them into museums? Do people need medical treatment or museum?” Mahmood Ali didn’t stop there. Going ahead, he raised the issue of historic Charminar and invited the flak. “Probably after 200 or 400 or 500 years, even Charminar has to be demolished.”
Justifying the government’s decision to demolish OGH, Ali said, “We’re going to build new hospital with Rs 100 Crore and the name will be the same. We’re not changing its name. So what’s the problem? How could we put the lives of people at risk?”
Meanwhile, several civic organisations are gearing up to protest the government’s move to demolish Osmania General Hospital. On Tuesday, civic activists led by city historian Sajjad Shahid will be holding a silent protest in front of the Osmania General Hospital against the move.