With Baahubali emerging as India’s one of the biggest blockbusters, SS Rajamouli is the most-sought-after director now in India. Bollywood is literally chasing after Jakkanna. According to reports, top Bollywood producers and production houses are leaving no stone unturned to woo Rajamouli. Apparently, they’re offering him a staggering amounts of remunerations to which Rajamouli is not budging and fastened up his pre-production works of Baahubali The Conclusion.
If reports are to be believed, Bollywood wants Rajamouli to do Baahubali sequel with Hrithik Roshan or Akshay Kumar. But Rajamouli is said to be not tempted and he is preferring Prabhas over them. Karan Johar, who distributed the dubbed version of Baahubali and madeĀ a fortune out of it, offered Rajamouli Rs 20 Crore to direct a straight Hindi film.
The list also includes the likes of UTV’s Siddharth Roy Kapur (husband of Vidya Balan), Eros Entertainment’s Sunil Lulla, Sajid Nadiadwala, Madhu Mantena (who bought remake rights of Magadheera) and the list goes on and on.However, Rajamouli stuck to same actor and committed to make the sequel with Prabhas.