The Congress party’s ‘Poru Sabha’ protest meet in Tirupati against the centre’s denial of special status to AP took a tragic turn. During the meeting, a Congress party member named Koti suddenly poured kerosene and immolated himself, demanding special status for Andhra Pradesh. Koti was admitted to a hospital with 50% burn injuries. Koti’s condition is said to be stable.
The Poru Sabha was attended by top Congress leaders like Chiranjeevi, C Ranachandraiah, Pilli Kruparani etc. The Congress leaders visited Koti at the hospital, after the meeting ended this evening. The leaders also vowed to pay for Koti’s medical expenses. Koti has been a loyal Congress worker since his childhood.
Meanwhile, the Congress party lambasted the Modi led NDA government for cheating Andhra Pradesh on its poll promises. The Congress also came down heavily on TDP and determined to make the people aware of the NDA and TDP parties’ deceit. It is well known that the NDA, after categorically denying special status, has promised a special package for AP.