Smartphone craze has engulfed the country’s youths with dangerous repercussions. In a latest shocker, three UP teenage boys donated their blood for Rs 500 per each unit, all this to buy a smartphone. The boys were caught in a raid conducted by the health officials on the blood banks and pathological clinics and they were declared unfit to donate blood with low haemoglobin levels.
One of the boys, a 14 year old, said that he has been saving money to buy a smartphone and he was lured into bod donation for a fee by an agent. Unable to resist the tempting offer, the boy donated his blood to earn quick money. Three agents have been arrested and the blood banks have been sealed by the health officials.
Another teenager revealed that he has been looking for a job for the past over and a half years and that he already donated blood thrice for extra income. Police who are investigating the case have said that all the three boys belong to economically weaker families. As per the medical and health standards, the legal age for donating blood is 18 years and the donors’ hemoglobin percentage should be 13.