Hunk hero Hrithik Roshan has recently moved into his new flat in Mumbai. The sea-facing apartment is said to have a gymnasium bigger than his bedroom. Apparently, Hrithik’s gym is so huge and is spread across two rooms.
Since he is going to spend most of the time in gym, Hrithik wanted it to be bigger than his bedroom. “Hrithik is a guy who gives utmost importance to fitness, body-building. He believes that health lies in doing workouts. Hence he insisted to have a huge gym,” a source was quoted as saying.
Out of the two bedrooms, one is custom-built as per Hrithik’s tastes and the other one is tailor-made for his little sons Hrehaan and Hridhaan. The apartment faces Arabian Sea where one could get an endless stretch of the sea from the balcony.
What’s more? Hrithik is now planning to have his business meetings too there. Hrithik’s flat is on the third floor of the apartment and it is not too far away from his earlier residence.