The Megastar of Chiranjeevi and his 150th film are the trending topics presently and in this mode, Chiru revealed a deep buried secret about him. In an exclusive interview to one of the leading channels of Telugu, Chiranjeevi said “Whenever I hear music, or see some exciting dance number on Television, I just control myself like Shruti Haasan in Race Gurram. I do the dancing inside like her.”
He further added “From last 8 years I’m staying away from arc lights, but still my legs get shaken to the tunes and I could dance just a snap away.” That’s true after Chiranjeevi’s last release he has never again danced on screen but rather shaked his legs at private functions like Ram Charan’s sangeet and so on.
We truly miss you Chiru and especially your dance moves!! Hoping a great comeback with the #150th