Ever since Akhil’s debut film was launched a few months ago, actor cum producer Nithiin has been raising fans’ expectations by releasing the action teaser, first look stills etc on special occasions. With the film’s title being named Akhil, the expectations meter has clocked a full 100 on 100. But now, here’s a much bigger surprise for all Akkineni fans.
Last night, Nithiin revealed that Akhil’s teaser will be unveiled by Bollywood Superstar Salman Khan today at 6:30 pm. This is indeed a biggest move by Nithiin and co. Akhil is already popular across the nation thanks to his brand endorsements. But once Salman introduces him, Akhil will surely become a much bigger star across the country.
Nagarjuna is hugely popular among the Bollywood celebs and he shares a close association with Salman. Recently, Nag and Salman shared some friendly moments at Chiru’s Mega60 birthday bash. Also, looks like Salman is is keen on introducing young stars to film industry. He has also been aggressively promoting Bollywood star kids Sooraj Pancholi and Athiya Shetty prior to the release of their debut film, Hero.