A 38-year old man from Chamarajpet, Bangalore, has killed his 28-year old wife, stacked her body in his car and drove straight to a popular TV channel to narrate his chilling murder story on a live program on Thursday. The channel staff, who thought that the man was blabbering, informed the cops while he narrated his killing on air.
According to the man’s version, he and his late wife were married for 10 years and even have three kids. He further said that of late, his wife was having an extramarital affair from one of the acquaintances of her chit fund business. Trouble erupted after the husband received a call from his wife’s alleged paramour recently and they both had a huge altercation, after which the man killed her with her veil.
Before the man could finish his narrative, the cops reached the TV station and took him into custody and sent the wife’s body to Victoria Hospital for postmortem. The police, in the interrogation, found that the man even contemplated suicide a month ago and even tried to kill his three children by poisoning them.