BJP MLA from Visakhapatnam North and the party’s floor leader in the Assembly, Vishnu Kumar Raju proposed setting up of Casinos in Andhra Pradesh. Addressing the state’s Finance Minister Yanamala Ramakrsihnudu, the BJP MLA said that a majority of revenue from the state is going to Goa and Colombo, with several people from the state flying to these places for entertainment.
The MLA said that a majority of people from Vizag, Vijayawada, Godavari districts are looking for foreign shores to visit casinos and that the state is losing out a lot of revenue through taxes. The MLA further said that setting up casinos is not anti-law and that there’s no harm in the flourishing of casinos in the state.
Vishnu Kumar Raju further stated that Andhra Pradesh is witnessing a large number of tourists from foreign countries and that just a few tourist attractions will not be enough to entertain these foreign tourists, leading them to look for other entertainment venues like Goa.
However, Yanamala Ramakrsihnudu stated that the government has no such plans of setting up of casinos in the state and that it will consult the MLA if ever they plan for such casinos. The minister also said that the government will be earning 16 crore per year through the state run horse race courses like the one in Hyderabad.