After back-to-back debacles, Nani is pinning all his hopes on today’s release, Bhale Bhale Magadivoy. The natural actor has been promoting the film quite well and in his latest interview, Nani surprised everyone by revealing the secret about Rajamouli’s next film after Baahubali The Conclusion.
Nani said that Rajamouli is thinking about extending the Eega franchise with a sequel. Nani further revealed that Rajamouli might start shooting Eega 2 after he releases Baahubali The Conclusion. But Nani did not reveal anything about other details like story or his character etc.
We all know the kind of sensation Rajamouli’s Eega created across the world couple of years ago. The film entered the 40 crore club without even featuring a star hero and also won several awards at international film festivals and released in various foreign countries in their local languages.
Will Rajamouli push aside his film with Mahesh Babu, Bollywood offers and his dream project Mahabharata and make way for Eega sequel? Let’s wait and see.