From Bangalore, we’ve beautiful Kannada girls like Kriti Kharbanda, Hari Priya and Praneetha. Earlier too, there are beauties like Soundarya who just rocked the show. Among the present set of hot girls, Praneetha is getting couple of good opportunities here but she’s wasting them a lot.
Dynamite is the latest movie in which she got paired with Manchu Vishnu. Probably this is an out and out action movie that has given her a complete solo heroine chance. Rather proving her acting abilities, Praneetha looked lame and dull in many scenes. Probably her biggest problem is churning out many expressions with ease. In action, in fights, in romance, in pain and in happiness, she almost looked like the same.
Except the dubbing artist’s voice magic, nothing is contributed from Praneetha for the role. With such body language, probably it’s tough for this hot lady for a long run.