Here are some of the startling images of India’s biggest superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s new luxurious vanity van designed by popular car designer Dilip Chabria of DC Design Studio. This 4 crore worth B9R Volvo Bus will be SRK’s new work place on the move that features high end technology with all modern amenities. All it took the master designer was just 45 days to design the interiors.
The expensive vanity van is 14 meters long and spreads across 280 sq ft. A meeting room, bedroom, toilet, and make-up & changing room constitute the interiors. Wi-Fi, Apple TVs in all the rooms, three satellite TVs with 4K resolution and 4000 Watts sound system add style and class to the interiors. A kitchenette equipped with a microwave lets SRK’s staff to prepare tea and coffee for the Baadshah.