Actor and producer Manchu Vishnu presented himself before the CBI Special Court this morning to give his witness in the corrupt censor board officer Srinivasa Rao case. It was reported earlier that the CBI arrested the censor officer for demanding 5 lakhs from producer Prasad Reddy to clear his film Andala Chandamama.
Recently, the CBI police arrested Srinivasa Rao redhanded while accepting bribe from producer Prasad Reddy. The producer claimed that the censor officer demanded 5 lakhs to issue a clean U certificate for his film Andala Chandamama.
Manchu family’s fight with Censor Board dates back to Denikaina Ready days, when Mohan Babu complained against the then censor chief Dhanalakshmi. The tussle continued as Vishnu filed a complaint against the censor board members for demanding bribe to issue censor certificate during his Doosukeltha release.