Despite not being a Film Star, nor any Political campaigns to his name, Nandamuri Balakrishna’s son Mokshagna has enjoyed an unparalleled treat from fans yesterday on the eve of his birthday. All the publicity material that wished this youngster have some other stuff encoded into them. That gave a different message to many fans.
All the ads given by prominent hardcore Nandamuri fans have saw Sr NTR and Balayya’s images on the top and Mokshagna’s image. Neither a small banner erected by Nandamuri fans in Kurnool district nor the other paper, web and media ads have saw Jr NTR’s image on them. If we have to talk about Nandamuri 3rd generation, its Jr NTR who is enjoying that stunning stardom and is a big star now. How come his name or image went missed?
Probably his distancing from Telugudesam Party in the recent election has hurt these hardcore fans a lot. After he’s not seen at few weddings and other functions inside Nandamuri family, it’s confirmed that he’s being kept out of scene. Now that Mokshagna’s entry is on the cards soon, are these fans thinking about the youngster as a best alternative to Junior? It seems so!!