Telangana CM K Chandrasekhar Rao worked in Chandrababu Naidu’s cabinet before launching TRS party and initiating Telangana separate state agitation. Seems like, KCR is still following his mentor in implementing development schemes. From the very beginning, Telangana government is following same guidelines of AP in development policies and also to attract investors.
When Chandrababu announced to construct and develop AP capital city Amaravathi as Singapore model, KCR toured Singapore along with his cabinet ministers much earlier to Babu. Coming to investment policy, the equation is same for China tour too. KCR’s trip starts in two days. China prefers less investment places to establish manufacturing units, rather looking for convenient spots.
It is learnt that, KCR cabinet will visit places such as Chengdu, Shanghai, Jiangsu Province which were toured recently by Babu in his China trip. AP govt invited companies in solar and construction taking count weather and geographical conditions of the state.
Hence, T Govt is focused to attract TCL Corporation in Shanghai that has shown interest to put up manufacturing units in AP. They have even readied a presentation demonstrating better subsidies around Hyderabad outskirts, than AP govt. Political war between Babu and KCR turned into game of developmental domination between AP and Telangana states.