Quashing wide-spread rumours that actor Allu Arjun was injured, Mega producer Allu Aravind clarified that the rumours are not true and baseless. Setting the record straight, Aravind made it clear that Allu Arjun wasn’t injured but Arjun’s wife Sneha Reddy was undergoing a minor surgery. Aravind said that Sneha has been admitted to a private hospital for a minor surgery and there’s nothing to be worried. He said that she’d be discharged from hospital by the end of the day.
“Arjun is completely healthy and alright. He was not injured. Sneha is admitted to hospital for minor surgery and she will be discharged by evening,” Allu Aravind was quoted as saying. Since Sneha Reddy is undergoing surgery, Arjun said to have visited hospital to accompany her. Sources in the know said that it was very minor surgery and there’s no need to worry.