The ongoing war between fans of Pawan Kalyan and Prabhas in Bhimavaram has been the talking point. For the past few days, the fans of Prabhas and Pawan Kalyan are in news for all reasons as the duo crossing swords against one another over the flexis of their favourite matinee idols. While the chaos led to imposing of Section 144 in the town and arrest of few fans of Pawan Kalyan for resorting to damage of public and private property, big wigs and responsible politicians form the town stepped in to bring back the situation to normalcy and cool the situation.
Kudos to Bhimavaram TDP MLA Pulaparthi Ramanjaneyulu alias Anji Babu for coming to the fore and controlling the sensible issue. Anji Babu called on Pawan fans and explained them softly, gently where they were going wrong. “Yes, agreed that you were silent when they put Prabhas flexis across the town during Baahubali. But just because few damaged Pawan’s flexis, you should not resort to violence. There’re village heads, fans association heads, MLAs, ex MLAs and other leaders with whom you should have take up the issue to their notice. But you taking the issue into your hands is not fair.”
“Only because there were fight between two groups in Vijayawada, development was focused in Hyderabad. Any rivalry between people would lead to non-development. It’s time for us to focus on development. What would you gain with these kind of acts? What made you to barge into Vishnu college and resort to attack on it? Colleges like SRKR, BV Raju college are pride to Bhimavaram. Have you ever been to BV Raju college? Do you know what’s the contribution of BV Raju to Bhimavaram? What made you to indulge in such activities? There’s a law and procedure to follow. But you cannot take it into your hands.”
He further said, “If a jail term of 10 years is pronounced to you. Imagine your families and your career, lives. I don’t understand why youths are going in wrong direction.” On whole, MLA Ramanjaneyulu’s touching advice said to have moved across the social media platforms and several fans. At a time the egos between two groups have been running high, Anji Babu’s advice come as an eye-opener to many. Let’s hope the fans of Pawan Kalyan and Prabhas leave the matter here and give up such petty issues. Well done, Anji Babu.