Prominent Seemandhra MP’s and ministers like Chiranjeevi, Pallam Raju, Panabaka, TTD chairman Kanumuri Bapi Raju, Kavuri and a host of others reportedly met Sonia Gandhi in a last and final attempt to extract some positive assurance and some compromise regarding Telangana issue.
Sources say that in this short meeting they reportedly spoke to Sonia Gandhi explaining her all the pros and cons of taking a decision regarding Telangana and also appealed to her to take a wise decision that protects the interests of all the regions of AP and also their political future and Congress party interests.
Before the UPA meet which commences in another two hours, this is the last appointment that Sonia had given to Andhra leaders. Now they need to be waiting till evening or late night regarding Telangana. It is about time the Seemandhra Congressmen do their best to save Andhra Pradesh or else it will be their future on fire.