On the night of 2nd September on the occasion of Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s birthday, the otherwise peaceful town of Bheemavaram was shaken with the violent clashes between the over enthusiastic fans of Powerstar Pawan Kalyan and Rebel Star Prabhas. The reason was that Prabhas fans allegedly removed and destroyed Pawan’s birthday banners and flexies put up by Pawan fans.
The fans’ clashes even led to arson and destruction of private and public property in several areas of Bheemavaram town. 144 section was implemented in several areas and 50 cases were filed on the rioting fans and the cops even arrested 10 fans of Pawan Kalyan.
The news reached both the stars of Tollywood, who reportedly called their respective fans and scolded them for their violent ways. And now, as per the latest reports, Pawan Kalyan reportedly paid 3 lakhs towards renovation works of the destroyed private and public property in Bheemavaram.
Not stopping here, Pawan reportedly got his arrested fans released from the police custody. This is indeed a touching gesture by Pawan, who decided to rebuild the town which was vandalised by his fans.