Sudheer Babu’s next Bhale Manchi Roju is currently in the last leg of its shooting part. The last schedule of the movie is currently going on in Hyderabad and the entire shooting will be completed by this month end. The movie is all about the happenings of a single day.
Despite a promising start and the big break with Prema Katha Chitram, Sudheer Babu could not stabilize his career and met with back to back flops off late. The Mahesh Babu’s brother-in-law wants to make amends for those flops and be back in to success track with this film.
A new comer Sriram Aditya is directing the film. Vamika Gabbi is making her acting debut. Young composer Sunny MR is giving music. Sudheer’s close friends Vijay Kumar Reddy and Sashi are producing this film on their 70mm entertainments banner. Vishwaroopam-2 and Uttama Villain cinematographer Shamdut is cranking camera for this movie.