Director Harish Shankar’s career is always a mixed bag. He made his directional debut with a disaster, Shock and later went on to direct Powerstar Pawam Kalyan in a blockbuster, Gabbar Singh. Harish was all of sudden a star director and got to direct Young Tiger NTR next with Ramayya Vasthavayya but it ended up as a disaster.
“With the different results of Shock, Gabbar Singh and Ramayya Vasthavayya, I am used to success and failure they do not bother me much. But I am very disappointed that I could not deliver when a star like Tarak trusted me and gave a chance”, Harish Shankar said in an interview.
Harish’s fourth film, Subrahmanyam for Sale starring Sai Dharam Tej and Regina is releasing tomorrow. Harish had pinned high hopes on this film to make it big and be back in to success track. Subrahmanyam for Sale is one of the early scripts penned by Harish in his career.