By now, it is almost certain that Star Ram Charan’s next film after Bruce Lee will be the Telugu remake of Thani Oruvan, the blockbuster Tamil action thriller. While Ram Charan would be reprising Jayam Ravi’s role of a cop on a mission to nab the corrupt scientist, played by a suave and menacing Aravind Swami, things are still unclear about who will be playing Aravind Swami’s role of a meticulous villain.
Aravind Swami’s villainous act as Siddharth Abhimanyu was more of mind and matter than just the physical valor and it needs an actor with not just good looks but also good acting prowess to match the former’s perfection. In a promotional interview, Aravind Swami said that he doesn’t prefer to act in the remake as repeating the same role again would bore him. This left Tollywood fans guessing for new names to replace Aravind Swami.
Here are a couple of actors who can perfectly fit the bill. The first actor will be Nara Rohit, the talented actor who is well known for his underplayed characters in films like Pratinidhi and Rowdy Fellow. Nara Rohit surely got the acting skills and he may just need to keep himself fit to look as stylish as Aravind Swami did. Besides, Nara Rohit could also bring in a surprise factor of the Mega-Nara combo, which will add craze to the already hyped up project.
Yet another best possible option would be the macho hunk Sonu Sood. Sonu Sood is an actor with a deadly combination of looks and talent. With his perfectly chiseled 6-pack body, Sonu Sood still looks young enough to play the villain opposite a young actor like Ram Charan. Well, these are just best possible choices to play the villain’s role in the remake and we can surely expect the makers ring in a much better surprise with the right actor.