Supreme hero Sai Dharam Tej’s yesterday’s release, Subrahmanyam for Sale had a decent opening. The movie despite being released on a working day, did well in both the Telugu states. However the occupancy in the multiplexes is not all good till the even shows affecting the Hyderabad collections. However Nizam is good due to single screen theaters.
The occupancy and collections increased from today and the movie is expected to do well for the next three days due to long weekend holiday due Bakrid holiday today. Moreover Monday is also a labour holiday. Given that the talk and reviews are good, every thing looks positive for the movie.
Here is the breakup of Subrahmanyam for Sale First day collections
Nizam: 1.12 Crore
Ceeded: 55 Lakhs
Uttarandhra: 34.13 Lakhs
East: 40.74 Lakhs
West: 25.5 Lakhs
Krishna: 21.27 Lakhs
Guntur: 39.39 Lakhs
Nellore: 16.24 Lakhs
AP+Nizam: 3.44 Crore