Mass Maharaja Raviteja’s Bengal Tiger now enters the Diwali race. The makers have announced that they are planning to release the movie on November 5th as Diwali Special. They will begin their promotions with the audio launch event on October 17th.
The team recently completed its shooting formalities and is currently working on its post production activities. Raviteja is banking big on this film for success after that disastrous result of Kick-2 couple of months back. The makers claim this film to be the costliest in Raviteja’s career.
Milky Beauty Tamannah and Chubby Raashi Khanna are playing the female leads in the movie which is directed by Racha fame Sampath Nandi. Bheems Ceciroleo who composed music for Sampath Nandi’s first production, Galipatam is composing music for this movie.