Actor Nani who is on a high with the super success of Bhale Bhala Magadivoy, had bagged a biggie now. It is said that he is chosen as one of the main leads in Mani Ratnam’s next. We are not sure at this moment if he is replacing Karthi or Dulquer. It was a long time Mani Ratnam delivered a hit.
He went on churning flops after flops till the last year. But earlier this year he made a stunning comeback with Ok Bangaram starring Dulquer and Nitya Menen. The actress has become lucky charm for Mani and he is repeating her for this film too.
Sources say that the casting is almost complete and the ace director will make an official announcement very soon. The project will have Mani’s usual music composer, AR Rahman as the music director. We will bring you more details of the film as it unfolds.