After SRK, Rohit Shetty, Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon met Tollywood superstar Mahesh Babu, now it’s the turn of ace Photographer Avinash Gowariker. Avinash has recently paid visit to the shooting sets of Brahmotsavam and spent substantial time with Mahesh Babu, Namrata. Apparently Avinash had keptĀ both Mahesh, Namrata in splits for a while.
We hear that the conversation was beyond movies and both Mahesh, Avinash bonded very well. Avinash is brother of well-known Bollywood director Ashutosh Gowariker who directed critically acclaimed films such as Lagaan, Swades, Jodhaa Akbar. Avinash had assisted Ashutosh and worked as photographer for all top stars of Bollywood. This is not all. It’s learnt that Avinash and Namrata share brother-sister bond where the former is said to be latter’s Rakhi brother as well.
Of late, the number of visitors to Mahesh Babu on the sets of Brahmotsavam have increased a lot. And since most of these visitors being from Bollywood, the sets of Brahmotsavam has become a spot for Bollywood and Tollywood.