We reported few days back that Actor Radharavi said that ‘Caste Based’ politics has entered Nadigar sangam. The shocking factor is his own sister Raadhika Sarathkumar is the one who is injecting caste inside the elections. Radhika met press people along with Simbhu, Bhagyaraj and Oorvasi.
She opened her speech by saying, I am speaking as a member of Nadigar Sangam and not as wife of Sarath Kumar. But during her speech she was often answering to the accusations made on her husband Sarath Kumar. Initially she said ‘Vishal’.
But later on she was consistently saying Vishal as ‘Vishal Reddy’. She also said that this problem’s root cause started when CCL matches happened in Dubai. But she said Sarath Kumar was so patient during those time. But the rage with Raadika spoke showed she is clearly afraid of Vishal.
Even though Vishal is from other state, the actor never showed himself as ‘Reddy’ and he speaks Tamil very comfortably. It should also be noted that Radika herself is from ‘Nayudu’ caste. Vishal’s ‘Pandavar team’ so far never used any caste or spoke bad about rivals. Whatever it might be, Radhika’s speech should be condemned.