They say ‘Old is Gold’. Living up to it perfectly, here is the sneak peek from an old album where star filmmakers RGV, Gunasekhar, Krishna Vamsi, Teja, actor Uttej were seen together. RGV has shared the golden photo. Director Ram Gopal Varma by then was a star director. Thanks to his splashy debut Siva with Akkineni Nagarjuna, RGV went onto become an ace filmmaker by expanding his horizons into Hindi.
After remaking Siva with Nagarjuna in Hindi, RGV proved his mettle with films like Rangeela, Satya, Sarkaar without looking back. Then Gunasekhar, Krishna Vamsi, Teja were his assistants who later became directors by proving themselves. After Siva, Uttej became a notable actor and he was seen in most of Varma’s films.
Presently, Varma might be going through a rough phase. Yet he didn’t lose his charm which he earned his early days. Recalling those golden moments, RGV shared an old photograph from the album. This pic is certainly a blast from the past. Isn’t it?